(386) 672-7710 Same-Day Appointments Available
Across from Plantation Bay35 Caroline Street, Bunnell, FL 32110

Your Dentist near Ormond Explains the Importance of Flossing

August 29, 2016

Filed under: General Dentistry — drfraser @ 4:08 pm

Protect your smile with oral hygiene and care from your dentist near Ormond.We all know that brushing and flossing our teeth daily are an essential aspect to protecting our beautiful smiles. While 69 percent of Americans brush their teeth at least twice a day as recommended by the American Dental Association, only 41 percent of Americans floss their teeth daily. In addition, another 20 percent admit to never flossing. In light of a recent article by the Associated Press claiming that flossing is not important, now even more Americans are at risk of oral health complications due to further misconception about the importance of flossing. As your dentist near Ormond, Dr. Jennifer Fraser is here to clear the air about the benefits of flossing.

Dentist in Ormond Reminds You of Medication Side Effects

May 23, 2016

dentist bunnellHow do medications affect your oral health? Depending on what you’re taking, the effect could be significant. Over-the-counter pain medications, birth control and even certain vitamins and herbal supplements can negatively impact your teeth and gums. Keep reading to learn more, including when you should schedule a visit with your dentist in Ormond, Dr. Jennifer Fraser.


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35 Caroline Street, Bunnell, FL 32110 USA
Dr. Jennifer Fraser Bunnell, FL dentist providing cosmetic, restorative, and preventive dentistry. (386) 672-7710